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The team of WOW Marketing Services is at your service with all our resources anytime, 24/7

Office Hours

Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm

Sat – Sun – Closed

Contact Details

Tel: 0861 897 969 / 021 001 4088

Email: info@wow4results.co.za

Our Office Address

3rd Floor Berry and Donaldson Building

9 Caledon Street, Cape Town, 8001

Contact Us

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to questions we are often asked by people who haven’t gotten to know us yet.

What does a WOW staff reward and recognition programme comprise of?

Our programmes typically consist of up to 8 different “modules”, which feature peer-to-peer, team leader-to-staff, manager-to-staff, and exco-to-staff elements. These modules can also include both monetary and non-monetary incentives.

Are your solutions complaint with the POPIA Act?

At WOW, we take the security of personal information very seriously and have invested a lot of resources on three main area’s, namely training, implementation and monitoring. Information security has become 2nd nature to our employees, from our call centre agents to our CEO

Do you outsource any parts of your solutions?

We pride ourselves on being a full-service agency. Over the years we’ve invested wisely in employing the correct staff to build our various units. We’re capable of handling all aspects of the solutions we offer, from strategic planning, content creation and production to the development of the final product. Once launched, we have a dedicated in-house call centre to offer all the support required by the participants.

Who do we contact once the programme launches

Both a dedicated account manager and coordinator will be assigned to your account. Furthermore, we have a dedicated call centre ready to assist with any queries. This is a partnership from the beginning, you may even contact our CEO directly, 24/7

How large does my company have to be to work with you?

While there is no minimum staff total that WOW looks for, it’s all dependent on the cost of implementing and running a WOW programme. The larger the staff total, the less expensive it will be per participant. Usually, WOW works with businesses with staff totals of no fewer than 100. However, we have the expertise to partner with businesses with more than 50,000 staff members

Do you specialize in any particular industry?

Not at all, WOW has been lucky enough to partner with organisations in most of South Africa’s sectors, from mining, financial services, motoring, hospitality, insurance, real estate and many others. There is no industry that we can’t handle!

Typical timeline for launching a solution?

Depending on the complexity of the programme, we have launched solutions in as little as 2 weeks, so it would be min of 2 weeks-1month, as per the initial scope

Do you have a min contract period?

No, we don’t. The length of a typical WOW contract varies to suit the need of the customer, a WOW contract can be terminated with a 1-month written notification from either party.
Please note that some programmes need either a long or short running time to show an ROI… but luckily with WOW’s analytical reporting, we’ll guide you every step of the way.

Once designed and launched, who owns the programme solution?

That’s the great thing about partnering with us. Once we’ve designed the programme solution, you own it without any pre-conditions attached to WOW

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